The hardest part of entering a market is convincing the money that you’ll succeed. To do that, you need to prove a few things.

1. There are real customers where you want to go

Especially with breakthrough or greenfield technologies, you have to prove that the demographics of users who you think will like your product, actually will want your product.

2. Your product will satisfy those customers

We aren’t talking about focus group data here, that comes later. First, you need to show that the market is even worth pursuing, and that the product or service you want to offer is even possible for you.

3. Your product actually works

Sometimes all you have to do is convince your money that you have a valid and technically sound solution. We can help with that, too. We don’t do the testing, but we will gladly do the scientific literature review and theoretical validation for you. Don’t worry, we speak Science.

4. You can make money from those customers with that product

Does this niche complement your existing offerings? Does it align with your expertise and USPs? Is it big enough to be worth pursuing? And the most important: Is your product viable with those customers?